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Neurological Problems and CBD

One in three people in the world suffer from a neurological disease at some point in life, says a report released this year by the World Health Organization (WHO). This is an aggravating problem, as in the last three decades the absolute number of deaths from neurological disorders has increased by 39%.

In 2016 alone, they were responsible for 9 million deaths worldwide, making neurological diseases the second leading cause of death, second only to cardiovascular diseases.

This worrying picture indicates the importance of effective treatments for so many people affected by degenerative diseases around the world.

What are the problems, disorders or neurological diseases?

They are the diseases of the nervous system, which includes the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. The nervous system is divided between:

  • Central system (brain and spinal cord), which controls most of the functioning of body and mind;
  • Peripheral system (outside the central – fibers, nervous ganglia and terminal organs), and connects the central nervous system to the other organs of the body;

They can be structural, biochemical or electric problems.

The symptoms are diverse, such as paralysis, muscle weakness, coordination problems, loss of sensation, convulsions, confusion, pain.

Most common neurological diseases

According to an article published in The Science Times in February this year (1), the most common are: Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, Bell’s palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and migraine.

Medical cannabis in the treatment of neurological problems: what does science already know?

To understand the effects of CBD on the brain, we need to understand how our body processes it. We have a neuromodulator system called the Endocannabinoid System. It is responsible for regulating psychological, cognitive functions such as mood, stress and memory. And physiological functions, such as appetite and pain response. It also maintains homeostasis, which is the body’s balance for its proper functioning.

Cannabis contains natural substances that act like the endocannabinoids we produce, and connect to the same receptors. The endocannabinoid system is present in the brain and throughout the body.

Effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on the brain

The main function of CBD in the brain is to reduce inflammation, which is linked to several disorders, such as anxiety, depression, memory problems, strokes, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, fatigue, confusion.

This anti-inflammatory effect is also reported in the rest of the body, using the endocannabinoid system.

Cannabis contains over 110 cannabinoids that connect with receptors in the endocannabinoid system.

The two best known are CB1 and CB2. CB1 prevails in the central nervous system (in the brain) and regulates pain, appetite, mood, coordination, among others. CB2 receptors are prevalent throughout the body and immune system, with strong effects on pain and inflammation.

CBD has a mild effect on receptors called CB1, and thereby blocks the psychoactive effects of TCH. CBD also inhibits the degradation of anandamide (the happiness molecule), increasing its levels.


Adapted source from the website: